In August 2013 you took part in a fan experience for Murdoch Mysteries, what should have been a super exciting day for you turned quickly sad as you looked through the photos of yourself with the cast and crew you met. You saw very clearly the effects your current lifestyle was having on you. You knew if you continued down this path you would put yourself into a very early grave. You spent the next week planning a new lifestyle for yourself. Working out an eating and exercise plan that would change with you as you went on your quest to be the healthiest Melissa possible. Since that time you have amazed yourself with everything you have done. You workout most days twice a day. You eat foods you never would have looked at twice. You have proven yourself stronger than you even thought possible. Life stresses will happen. Your inner voice will try to convince you to revert back to old habits. You have the strength to deal with the stresses in a healthier way then eating them. You have the strength to tell those voices to go to hell. Stumbles will happen but it's how you pick yourself up afterwards that's important. You have set a goal for yourself and have been working towards that goal for over two years, now is the time to focus, remember why you're doing this and get it done.
You are lucky enough to have an amazing husband who supports you, will help pick you up when you stumble and only wants to see you succeed in your goal. You have also surrounded yourself with supportive friends and family members. Trust in that support system to see you threw challenges and celebrate with you (not with food) when over coming the challenges.
You have got this. This should be the easiest part for you. You know what you're doing. You just have to remember why you're doing this and not let the negatives drag you down.
You've got this
August 2013
August 2015