Sunday, 15 February 2015

Weekly Weigh-in and Reflection

Better late than never?

So as of yesterday I am down 137 pounds.  That's another pound down!

This week was pretty good.  Fairly routine and nothing over the top.  I have stopped eating the extra cashews I added last week as my weight was stabilizing and I need to keep going down.  I have started looking for alternative protein sources to find low cal but yummy alternatives.  This week I tried Tempeh.  Took a bit to find it in the stores but I had it in place of bacon on my BLT and it was good.  I felt full after and I didn't mind it.  I am not switching to vegetarian but they do have some good alternative protein sources that I can incorporate into my routine.  

The only challenge this week was Valentine's Day yesterday (hence being a day late in posting this) and extra treats around the office.  Oh wait, I baked some of the treats for the office!  I'm finding it getting a bit easier to resist the temptations because I am enjoying the food I'm eating and I like sticking to my plan for the day.  Yesterday Munkee and I had a bit of running around to do  and decided to pick up lunch to bring home.  I normally would get a 6 inch ham and turkey sub but I find I am getting stingy with my points so instead I got a salad with chicken so I could save the points of the bun to use for extras with the salad.

It's finding that balance and being happy with what you are eating.  It's a learning process and you have to adjust as you move forward.  One for variety and two because items change in the stores.  That on annoys me!  You get use to one item and then suddenly it's gone (looking at you Fiber 1 chocolate peanut butter brownies).  So then you left standing in the grocery stores reading labels and trying new things.

I have to say the one really good thing about this quest I'm on is that I have been forced to try new things.  Most of them have been successful and some haven't been so successful.  But in the last two months I have tried things I would have never thought of trying over a year ago.  I guess we all grow up eventually?

This week I plan on hibernating as it is very cold and snowy right now and that is not motivating for wanting to do much at all besides curling up on the couch and watching tv!

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