Saturday, 7 February 2015

Weekly Weigh-in and Reflection

Well here we are again, Saturday and time for my weekly weigh-in.

So here we go, as of today I am down 136 pound.  Down a pound this week.  Yay!

I still don't think the scale is fully reflecting the changes I have seen but there are many factors for that this week.  I made a few changes this week to try and react to what my body and the scale are doing.  I added 5 more minutes of cardio to my routine so I am now getting up at 5:00 am every day and doing an hour and two minutes of exercising.  Crazy.

The other thing I changed this week was adding an ounce and a half of cashews to my breakfast.  I did this for many reasons.  Lately I have been focusing so much on food and the stuff I'm not having and dreaming of having an all out f-it day.  I was finding I was waking up hungry and my stomach was growling through my workout.  I've also been finding that I get freezing cold at my desk.  The scale also hasn't been showing the changes that I am seeing in the mirror.  The added cashews have really helped.  I'm not as hungry.  I'm not as cold at my desk.  I'm not obsessing about food and wanting the foods I know I shouldn't have.

This just illustrates how important it is to listen to your body and adjust and fix as you go.  Obviously my body has changed significantly with the 136 pound weight loss and I need to eat for the body I have now, not the one I had before.  

That's about it for the week that just passed.  Coming up is Valentine's Day.  That will mean treats of all kinds out at work but I feel more prepared to pass them up now.  I know what Munkee and I will do for the day will fit in with our new lifestyle, the bigger concern for me is what I'll be seeing at work.  I have survived many holiday temptations and this one will be no different.

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