Saturday, 3 January 2015

Saturday Weigh In - Milestone achieved

This morning the scale read back 185.5 which is pretty cool. It means that since I have started shooting for muscle gains, I have added 10 pounds of lean muscle to my frame. It really is starting to show in how clothing sits and with what I see in the mirror.

I set my new goal for the year to get even stronger and more muscular aiming for a body much like Chris Hemsworth. I should mention I am not aiming for his "Thor" body as that is well.. around 25 pounds more muscle than I have now, and probably required him to eat an ocean of fish and chicken.

I am sure if I really wanted to I could do that but I am aiming more for his offtime physique. Which is the picture I posted last blog. Its more within reason and likely wouldn't require me to cause mass extinction to fuel my protein needs.

I have been thinking lately about adding some sort of weight training in the more traditional sense to my workouts. I am still torn about it because it goes against one of my old nerdy predjudices. I think I used to word it "Only dumbasses own dumbbells" or something to that effect.

I think I have hit the realization that I would need something to that effect or heavy duty resistance bands to reach the goal I have set for myself. I will put more thought to it and see how things shape up without it. I kind of like the idea that most of this physique is generated from my own bodyweight and exercises driven mostly from a videogame console. To me there is something poetically right about that.

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