Saturday, 10 January 2015

Weekly Weigh-in and Reflection

So it's Saturday again, time for my weekly weigh-in.

As of this week I am down 133 pounds.  Yep, I stayed the same this week.

I'm ok with this.  This week I added more stairs to my daily climb to my office so I'm thinking I added some more muscle.  I know I ate properly and was much better at weighing and measuring my food.  It happens, I'm not always going to lose weight, the body adjusts and reacts as you change things.  As long as you know you're doing what you're supposed to be doing it will happen when it's supposed to.  At least that's what Munkee tells me when I'm about to throw the Wii balance board out the window.

This week was pretty good.  Adjusting to the extra climb up the stairs.  Having not done that for a few weeks with holidays and adding a bit more stairs was interesting.  My goal is to eventually do all the way up to the 7th floor.  I will get there.

Food was easier this week as routine was back to normal.  When I'm working Munkee does all the breakfast and lunch prep for the next day so that takes the temptation away from me to "add a bit more".  There were a few later dinners this week due to running around which wasn't an issue when I was off.  I have to realize not everything is always going to happen at the same time every day and let it go.  I am doing what I'm supposed to and it will happen when it's meant to.

Next week should be just as uneventful as this week.  Nothing much planned for next week at all.  Just returning back to normal routine.  Yep, it's revealed, I lead a very boring life!  And I love it!

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