So this week I am down 127 pounds. That's another pound off.
I just finished getting lectured by Munkee about being too hard on myself and to relax and enjoy the success I have achieved. I know what I have done is amazing. I know that. I'm just ready to be done and I find I'm struggling more this time of year with all of the chocolates and candies out for the holiday season. It's also not helping that I'm feeling stress at work and it's leading up to my "women's time" which brings lots of fun emotions with it.
I have also recently taken a point of food away and I am struggling with being hungry. I have eaten all of my food for the day and I'm still feeling a bit hungry. It's a struggle but I continue to remind myself that I have eaten enough and keep myself busy. It's about redirecting my attention because I know I am not hungry due to lack of food, I'm just adjusting.
So needless to say my frame of mind hasn't been the best the last week and I was again really hoping the scale would show me something more than a pound but I will be happy with a pound off.
Something else I struggle with is the complements. I am not good at accepting complements. I have even been called skinny recently by a few different people. I have never been referred to as skinny. It's taking some getting use to but I'm getting there. One step I took to accepting my new self was looking for new make-up to help make some features stand out a bit more and not hide behind brown on brown on brown. I am happy with the subtle changes.
I continue to push forward even when struggling and not agreeing with what I'm seeing on the scale. I know I'm doing well and I know I'm getting closer to the end. The finish line is on the horizon, just a bit more to go. I can do this!
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