I will really try to get better at posting this on the actual weigh-in day....
So my weight loss as of yesterday is 129 pounds, that's 2 more pounds off and much closer to hearing "that's over weight"! I can seen the next 10 pound ribbon and 5 pound sticker!
So this week was VERY challenging for me. Had a super stressful job situation to deal with this week. It was an emotional roller coaster and I was a mess. The one thing that I am super proud of myself about is that at the height of the stress, Tuesday night, I had to stop at the grocery store to pick up a missing item to make chicken fajitas. 16 months ago in the state of mind I was in I would have loaded my shopping cart up with chips, chocolates, ice cream and probably a few other things I passed while walking through the store. I would have also probably said forget making dinner and picked up McDonald's on my way home. I did neither of those things. I picked up what I needed and treated myself to raspberries for my fruit the next day. I went home and after licking my wounds for a bit made dinner. I have worked way too hard for the current work situation to stop me.
I found another thing that this quest has given me. The strength and confidence to not to shrink away and hide when faced with the situation. I dealt with it head-on, did not call in sick to work. Major changes for sure. I went in Wednesday morning with a fire lit under my butt to fight for myself. I did not take the situation lying down in any way and kept my head held high.
This is probably the most stressful and emotional situation I have dealt with since starting the quest. I am very proud of myself for how I dealt with it and didn't revert back to my terrible habits. I have changed those habits so significantly and for so long now that even when I have an inkling to go back to those bad habits my new strength pushes through and I do not give in.
This week will hopefully be a wind down from last week with everything getting settled and have a plan to move forward with for work.
There will be Christmas lunches and Christmas treats at work. I know that I can resist and eat my planned food. I feel making it through this week is making me stand a little taller, making me look at myself in the mirror and seeing that I am actually maybe pretty. This quest has been so amazing and so transforming in so many ways. This past week just proves it to me.
I will try to be better at posting. One thing I want to focus on sharing is the food that we're eating. It's a question I get a lot and some people are surprised by how much I eat. It is important to get enough food and not to starve yourself because that's not good either. Until next time!
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