Monday, 20 October 2014

Monday morning

Starting into week 2 of my muscle gaining program and so far I am happy with how it is working out, what will be really interesting is how my weight reacts to the enhancement in exercise. So far it hasn't started to go into a "loss" situation which is good. I think a key thing I did was allow my body to settle after the weight loss before beginning.

I allowed 7 months for my system to balance out and maintained my weight at the goal weight. I think this helped, if I had started immediately trying to gain muscle it would have been difficult to figure out how much food I needed to eat per day, since I first had to stop losing weight. after a longer period of this program I might have to add food, that is likely but starting from a balanced position makes that far easier to figure out.

At the moment all seems stable and I am gaining slightly without changes to my diet. I am sure at this moment my body is still being reactive to the new routine and trying to figure stuff out, I can definitely see the results in my arms. thats really the area I want to enhance. Being a computer programmer and gamer once i hit my goal weight I looked as expected, rather skinny far from a muscle man.

I don't want the goal to get confused my aim isn't to look like a Professional Bodybuilder, just add to the toned lean muscle I have, and perhaps have more Rugged looking arms back and shoulders.  I already have reasonable abdominal definition, perhaps a slight enhancement to that wouldn't suck.

The cool thing about all of this (the weight loss and the muscle gain) If I can do it anyone can. I am generally a pretty lazy guy when it comes to exercise, I don't do sports, I am rather clumsy. If I can do this anyone can that's the real takeaway from the experience.

Where you are now doesn't determine where you end up. What you do now and continue to do with consistency determines your future. No matter who you are skinny or overweight, male or female, young or old, your destiny is always in control. So be sure and keep that in your mind, because it is the absolute truth.

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