Sunday, 26 October 2014

Workout Highlights

Just got done working out this morning again, its all going well starting to see some results from the muscle building, nothing huge but definite changes in the density of my biceps, perhaps some development in the chest.

I thought Id give a little breakdown of exactly what I do day to day to give you an idea of what I put myself through

I have 3 workouts that I do in a cycle 1 every day. Each one of these is focused on a particular region of my body..

Day 1 - Arms
Day 2 - Legs
Day 3 - Core

and at the end of each workout I do a set of pushups and a set of dips.  Every other day I use the steel I-Beam in the basement to do pull ups. When I began I couldn't even properly do one pull up, now I am up to 3.

The arm routine consists of what you'd expect. Exercises like tricep extensions, pushup and side planks, etc. What I have tried to do is mix the exercises with yoga stretches so that I am working muscles and stretching. For the arms that is poses like palm tree, and stretching exercises like arm & leg extensions.

The leg routine is my nemesis. One of the reason's for starting this workout was to prevent progression of joint pain and arthritis in my knees and hips. It contains what you'd expect static front & side lunges, rowing squats, and other various things. Yoga is again intermixed with lovely displays of my clumsy nature such as the dreaded tree pose, standing knee, and chair.

The Core routine is typical. Its main core component is 90 jack knife crunches intermixed with other core exercises such as plank. The yoga component contains the triangle pose and downward dog.

sounds like a whole bunch of time commitment but each workout is around 30 minutes (+ the extra pushups/dips).

I think its important to mix up your routines so that you keep your body guessing, what I haven't really done is lift weights. Although I wear ankle and wrist weights while doing exercises, not only do I not own a bench press and things like that. I am not the type to do this sort of thing, perhaps that will change in the future. I rather doubt it will.

The important thing to consider is success comes from consistency and effort. As much as Id prefer to be sitting playing Mario Kart or something else I do have to start my day this way. The results are worth it.

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