Friday, 10 October 2014

Physical vs. Psychological hunger

This will be a shorter blog, its about physical vs. psychological hunger. I previously discussed how we have trained ourselves often to use food as a comfort when we weren't actually hungry.

One of the easiest things you can do to begin is plan your food, eat 3 meals a day and a snack. when you track food in such a way you know rationally that you aren't physically hungry and those between meal moments are likely psychological. This doesn't change the fact that to you the observer the two things are hard to distinguish.

A simple way you can learn the difference is observe how real physical hunger feels, it comes on slowly over time vs. a rapid onset.  and any food tends to quell it. Psychological hunger tends to rapidly appear out of nowhere and it has more of a specific aim ie: "hungry for cookies" or "hungry for ice cream". Its a subtile difference.

Its all about training yourself to detect which is which.

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