Saturday, 18 October 2014

Weigh-in Day and Reflection on the Week

So like I did last week I will give you an update on my weight loss, how my week went and any up coming challenges I have next week.

So as of this week I am down 120 pounds!  I got another 10 pound "ribbon" to put on my success board and a 5 pound sticker!  The board is getting full!

I am still finding it a challenge with the scale.  I can see lots of changes in my body this week but the scale didn't totally reflect that.  I was down this week, which is great, but I always want more!  I'm ready to be at maintenance but I know I'm losing at the best rate (1 to 2 pounds a week) to ensure it's a healthy weight loss and not having to make super drastic changes that I can't maintain long term.   I think I will always struggle with what the scale says but I am learning how to quickly recover from the daily ups and downs I face with the scale.

This morning I struggled to get out of bed.  I really would have loved to have stayed in bed a little longer but I knew I'd feel guilty if I didn't get the exercise done.  I also know that if I stayed in bed I would interrupt Munkee's routine.  So out of bed I got and got my exercise done.

I did survive Thanksgiving this past week and felt I dealt with being around all those temptations.  So much food but I focused on filling my plate with veggies and limiting my meat and carbohydrates.  I enjoyed spending time with my family and let that be the focus of my day instead of the food.

This coming week will be fairly normal for me.  I do have a work challenge this week.  We have some of our partners from other ministries coming for a meeting and I will be baking for this.  The challenge is two fold 1) I am baking a few items that I love! and 2) the possibility of going out for lunch.  The second one is a bit easier to deal with as I know most restaurants offer good options for me and I can plan ahead for going out for lunch and I can also choose to bring my lunch and eat what I brought instead.  The first one will be a bit more challenging but I know that a cookie or coconut macaroon is not worth the amount of work I have put into loosing 120 pounds.  I know one cookie or coconut macaroon won't make me put all the weight back on but I know, for me, what the downfalls have been for me in the past.  It's a slippery slope and I don't want to start that in any way shape or form.  I am enjoying what I'm eating and I think that helps with those temptations.

The most important thing I have learned this time around is that you have to eat food that you enjoy, you have to find a workout routine that you can accept (no one likes working out!) and you have to do what works for you.  Everyone has suggestions, ideas, plans or things that worked for their friend's brother's second cousin.  Thank them for their advice but stick to what you're doing and what is working for you.  You know yourself the best and you know what works and hasn't worked for you.

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