Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Power of The Mind's Eye

Today's blog is going to be a little different, and perhaps may cause many of you to think. Some may say "Wow Munkee is a crackpot", others may say "Wow that's cool".

Today I am going to talk about the personal power of your mind's eye. When I began this journey one night as I was drifting off to bed I decided to visualize my goal in all its detail. It may sound corny or silly but there is a tremendous power in our subconcious mind that we can call upon to assist us with our goals. Not only does this apply to weight loss, but rather anything big you are trying to accomplish.

Let's try an experiment. After reading this paragraph I want you to close your eyes, and visualize your ideal you. how you look, how you carry yourself, your ideal smile. I want you to picture yourself in the ideal way you want to be. Bring it into focus in your mind's eye truely see yourself this way. Every tiny detail is important. Spend 60 seconds or longer but bring the visualization into focus, every detail. See yourself as you would like to be, when you have that image locked in, start to repeatedly say "I can" until you believe it with your whole being. Now close your eyes..

So how did that make you feel? Hopefully empowered. That's what I did at the beginning of my journey, and what I do from time to time to refocus myself. There is power in visualizing your goals, and it goes beyond weight loss, this applies to any goal.

I had a boss once that used to always say "What the mind can conceive, and believe, it can also achieve". It was a very true statement. Interesting guy that boss, he had the most creative soul I have ever known.

Use this technique to stay empowered towards your success and you will see it start to happen

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