Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The will to keep on track

This muscle quest is an interesting thing. For the first while my quest was to drop weight, then it became about maintaining the dropped weight, and now it has become about gaining weight in the form of muscle.

It has been a journey of self discovery from beginning to end. I never thought I would be the sort to do daily exercise, but I have been slowly coming to the realization that this is the new me. The rest of my life it will remain a constant.

Its all about my will to keep with this new paradigm. I feel just as passionate about it as I did on day one.

Yesterday I added in more reps to some of my exercises, and I kept that up today. I am definitely starting to see big changes in the density of the muscle on my body. I like it, I am not stopping now. I have come to far and progressed into something better than I was before.  This has always been about manageable and permanent change.

If I can do this anyone can. I am the sort that likes to binge watch tv/movies. I also spend hours playing videogames, and hours coding, drawing, animating, and composing. None of those vocations lends itself to a toned physique. I realize this so every day starts with what will maintain my body.

I have to view my life otherwise as an astronaut on a space station. If I don't I will just grow from a lack of physical activity. I know that I like my life to contain the more stoic activities. This way of eating and exercise, is just a means to allow for that.

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