Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Let's Talk About Food

I haven't said much about the food plan we follow.  I know I have mentioned tracking our food and reducing as the weight comes off but I haven't said what the basis is for our eating.

I have mentioned before that I had lost about 73 pounds around the time I met Munkee.  I did this with Weight Watchers and Curves (circuit training).  I have found Weight Watchers to be very good at teaching you how to eat every day food and keeping you accountable for what you're eating.  The things I didn't like about Weight Watchers was paying money every week to step on a scale to have someone tell you if you had a good week or a bad week based on what the scale says regardless of the strides may have taken that week towards a healthier lifestyle.  I also wasn't a big fan of the "bonus" points they allowed with the new points system.  I felt it really lent itself to "cheat" days and over indulging all in one day.

So, when we decided to start this quest I dusted off my old Weight Watchers books and started following it, with a few slight modifications.  We don't use the bonus points.  Yes we could but after this long without them, we're not missing them.  We could have also distributed through out the week to add extra every day but again, we are satisfied with what we are eating so we just ignored them.

I carry the points calculator around in my purse for those times when I find new products and want to see if they're worth trying.  I am very cheap with my points and want the most bang for my buck.  We spent a lot of time early on finding the best items to eat.  Tried some duds and have had to adjust as products are discontinued (looking at you Fiber 1 chocolate peanut butter brownies!).

The bottom line is for any eating plan you need to have a target amount of food to eat (points or calories), you need to track what you're eating and be accountable for what you're eating.  It's a balance for eating properly and getting the right amount of exercise.  Once you find the balance you will be much more successful.

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