So it's that time of the week again, time for the weekly weigh-in and reflection..
Here it is, as of today I have lost 125 pounds! Yay! I got my ribbon today!
This week was an interesting week. I had a job interview this week which I find very stressful. As we all know our bodies react to stress in many fun ways. This week I found my body decided that it didn't want to move on the scale. I am noticing differences in my body that I'm not seeing on the scale yet. Munkee tells me that this is still muscle gain from the added weights, the fun of the "women's time" and the stress of the job interview. I am trying to believe him but I really don't think the scale is reflecting what I'm seeing in the mirror.
This is something I struggle with. When you're not seeing the results on the scale that you're seeing in the mirror or in the clothes you're wearing. I need to look for other signs of success besides the scale, which isn't always easy. I'm trying. I know that the rate at which I'm losing weight is a healthy weight loss but as a human I always want more, faster but that's not realistic. This is a long term goal and needs to be done in a healthy way.
So for now I will be happy with my 125 pounds off, the changes I see in the mirror and the clothes that are fitting looser on me. I have accomplished at lot in 15 months that I would have never thought I could do. I have pushed myself far beyond what I thought possible and have stuck to it for the long haul.
This upcoming week I am off work and going to be enjoying the time off with Munkee. We will be decorating for Christmas and getting the Christmas shopping done. The thing I will struggle with is ensuring that I drink enough water and not to get too busy and forget to eat. I find when I'm home and busy doing things that I forget to drink enough water and I don't want to stop and make food. It's then that I get really hungry and am more likely to be tempted to push the easy button. It's ok to push the easy button, you just have to make the right choices when using the easy button.
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