Monday, 24 November 2014

Monday Morning - A Little about My arm Workout

So today was my arm routine. It probably looks a lot different than what you'd expect trying to build arm muscles. My approach is different. Its more about building muscle gradually and maintaining my metabolism, as well as gaining in muscle.

My arm routine also runs about 30 minutes and consists of the following.

  1. Yoga Warrior Pose 45 Seconds Per Side
  2. Yoga Palm Tree Pose - 45 Seconds
  3. Supine Bridge - 6 reps per leg
  4. Kung Fu Shadow Boxing - 2 Minutes
  5. Pushups With Side Plank - 6 Reps 
  6. Arm circles - 2 minutes
  7. Tricep Extensions - 20 reps per arm
  8. Arm & Leg Lift - 10 Reps per side
  9. Tricep Extensions - 20 reps per arm
  10. Torso Twists - 3 cycles Horizontal, 3 cycles Diagonal, 3 cycles Horizontal, 3 Cycles Diagonal
  11. Tricep Extensions - 20 reps per arm
  12. Yoga Sun Salutation Pose - 3 cycles
  13. Deep Breathing - 45 seconds
  14. 10 Dips
  15. 10 Push-Ups
As you can see it has some similarities to my core workout at the beginning and end. Afterwords my arms generally feel pretty rubbery. In a week or two this will likely all get shuffled and adjusted so that I can keep my body guessing. Every week I increase the amount of weight I am carrying with the arm & leg weights/vest, so that I increase the intensity. I am doing this more because I am working on muscle. I didn't change it up as frequently when I was losing weight.

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