Saturday, 8 November 2014

Weekly Weigh-in and Reflection on the Week

So it's that time of the week again!  Time for the weekly weigh-in!

As of today I am down 123 pounds!  I'm closing in on that 125 pound ribbon!

So this week, as you know (well know if you've been reading this blog all week!), I added a pound to my wrists and ankles to amp up my workouts and continue the quest towards my goal weight.  The first challenge was getting the weights to stay on my arms and wrists while working out!  This required a trip to a store to get new weights after two mornings of many, many, many bad words when the existing weights just wouldn't work.  That was after using several pairs of socks to add bulk to try and help.  The new weights are much better and I'm getting use to the added weight.  I am still feeling it from my workout for sure!  My arms and legs are still sore at the end of the day but that means it's working.  No pain, no gain right?

Also this week I baked 3 different kinds of cookies for a bake sale fundraiser at work.  I'm getting more use to baking and not eating it.  Yes, I do miss it for sure.  Especially when one of the cookies was peanut butter with mini Reese's pieces.  I LOVE peanut butter.  Ok, let's be honest I love most foods that aren't good for you or I wouldn't have gotten to the place I was.  I was able to resist the temptation.  I'm almost starting to find it easier to resist as time goes on.  Not that I still don't have cravings or see a restaurant I use to eat at and think "mmmmm, that would be nice" but I know it would be nice and my stomach would probably hate me for it after just shy of 15 months of none of that stuff.

Coming up this week is not a lot of anything.  I'm hoping to have a quieter week, with less running around and more time to stop a bit.  I have no planned dinners out in the next week.  No baking planned.  Since I'm still adjusting to the current change, no big changes in my workout or eating planned at all.  Should be a nice boring week!

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