Can't believe it's already Saturday again! Where is the time going?
So as of this week I am down 126 pounds!
I am very happy with my weight loss. Yes, would love for it to be faster but as Munkee keeps pointing out to me "if it was any faster I'd be worried about your health". Slow and steady wins the race? I think I've just had enough of hearing "that's obese" every single morning for the last 15 months. My BMI is getting close to no longer being in that range. I'm sure you'll all hear when I move to the next section, overweight!
This week was pretty good. I found when I was out shopping and running around I for sure didn't drink enough water. I tried to plan ahead and have water in the car but it just wasn't the same. When I was around the house doing stuff or relaxing I was drinking the water but not as easy to do when out and about. We did have one lunch out this week, we planned ahead and ensured that we did it properly and still ate enough food for the day. It's just as important to not starve yourself as it is to not over eat. Beyond that this week was very nice. I enjoyed the time off work and accomplished a lot in preparation for Christmas. Almost feeling ready to tackle the holidays!
So I go back to work on Tuesday. Monday I will be going out shopping with my sister so I will try and be more aware of how much water I'm drinking. I'm sure there will be some catch-up to do at work and get back into that routine. When I'm off I don't vary too much from routine as far as wake up time and eating times but I am much more relaxed. I'm sure in the next few weeks Christmas lunches will start to crop up and baked goods will be appearing in the office. I will continue with the resolve I have and know that I am doing better for myself by not eating those tempting treats.
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